From Ohio 9-1-1 Administrator Rob Jackson:
The Federal 9-1-1 Grant Program is coming soon in a two-step process. I have spoken to the National 9-1-1 Coordinator at NTHSA today to clarify and confirm this process.
The first step will be to identify the state contact and sign a certification that our state did not divert 9-1-1 fee funds away from 9-1-1. That step will be handled through this office and has a 30-day time period. Our current WGAF fund reconciliation program provides documentation that Ohio does not divert funds.
The second step will be to notify the state how much they are able to receive based upon calculations and total state certifications received. Once this information is communicated to us, we will than have 60 days to apply for the grant funds. The grant funding may be used at the state level or through sub-grants to locals. The ESINet Steering Committee will provide direction on this and if sub-grants to locals is all or a portion of that plan, counties will need to submit their project requests within that 60 days with time for our office to submit one application outlining all grant funding and it’s use for Ohio. The grants require a 40% funding match from the requestor (meaning a $100,000.00 project would receive $60,000.00 from the grant and the $40,000.00 would need to be funded by the requestor) and other criteria (timeline, budget, etc.) will be required. Details will be distributed when they become available from the Federal Grant authorities later this year.
It is expected step one will take place this week and we will respond accordingly. The reason for this e-mail is to give you a heads up to begin planning for the process and to have projects in mind due to the quick turn-around timeframe when step two is announced later this year. Below is a link to the Federal Rules applied to this grant which outlines the categories of acceptable projects to include infrastructure and training. As we move through this process, we will keep you up to date. It is expected the ESINet Steering Committee and sub-committees will be heavily involved in this process, so your representation on those committees will have a voice at the table.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions.
Rob Jackson
Ohio 9-1-1 Administrator
Office of Information Technology