Grant Applications Now Being Accepted

Today, the Ohio 9-1-1 Program Office, in partnership with the Ohio Department of Commerce – Division of State Fire Marshal, issued guidance to county coordinators on the Ohio Sub-Grants for the Federal 9-1-1 Grant Program. Here is the details:

TO:       All County 9-1-1 Coordinators

FROM: Ohio 9-1-1 Program Office
              Ohio Department of Commerce – Division of State Fire Marshal

The attached Ohio 9-1-1 sub-grant application is being distributed to all county 9-1-1 coordinators.  Please review and ensure a copy of the application is distributed within your county to all public safety answering points (PSAPs), primary and secondary.  Information concerning the grant program is contained within the application and all information sections should be filled out in depth to ensure the Grant Review Committee can fairly evaluate your submission.

All sub-grant applications must be submitted by Tuesday, December 31st at 5:00PM to be considered.  It is preferred all applications be sent by e-mail, but mailed and FAXed applications will be accepted.  Post marks and FAX times must be prior to the deadline noted.  The Grant Review Committee will evaluate all applications and plan to issue grant awards by March 2020.  Special Note, all applications submitted must be reviewed and approved by the County 9-1-1 Coordinator to ensure the project fits into the county 9-1-1 plan. 

All questions regarding the grant application should be submitted by e-mail to   The Ohio 9-1-1 Program Office will respond at our earliest opportunity and also post questions on the website so others can view and possibly gain assistance from the answer.

Please reply to this message to confirm your county received and opened this e-mail.  We will follow-up in one week with counties that have not acknowledged receipt. This Ohio 9-1-1 Sub-Grant Application is also available on the Ohio 9-1-1 website under the resource tab.


Rob Jackson
Ohio 9-1-1 Administrator
Ohio 9-1-1 Program Office
Office of Information Technology